About Me

Hi, I'm Jordan and I live in Northern New Jersey with my wonderful, crazy family.

My passions in life are traveling, good food, sandy beaches, and home design. I used to work in Marketing and Digital Media, but decided to embrace the stay at home mom life to be with our daughter, Ellis James and son, Jack Richard.

My travel buddy and partner in life is my husband, Richard. We met in college (go Monarchs!), became friends, found love, and married October 2014. We've lived in 7 cities and traveled to countless places together, and each day we add more and more destinations to our bucket list. Our current favorite is Thailand, but I look forward to topping it one day.

We bought our first home, a 1700 sqft townhome, in 2015. And ever since, I’ve been obsessed with home design. Specifically, functional home design to make the most of each space, no matter the size. Although that home will always hold a special place in my heart, we turned it into a rental property in 2019 and moved into our forever home, the Wyles Farmhouse. Now, I’m learning how to navigate having more space, while still creating function, organization, and of course, a beautiful home we can grow in.

Last but not least, our roommates are three cats named Oliver Twist, Samoa, and Penny.

About Wyles Travels

Wyles Travels started off as a blog, with a different name, that followed the adventures and thoughts of a 20-something living and working in the NJ/NY area. Well, that 20-something is now 30 and has a much different perspective on life these days. So, the blog was revamped, renamed, and Wyles Travels was born. It’s a creative space that focuses on travel, family life (aka figuring out parenting as a millennial), and functional home design.

I believe life is a constant adventure and if we don’t stop and embrace it, we will miss out on all the things it has to offer. One thing that becoming a parent has taught me is that time goes by way too fast and the things that I thought mattered (my job, impressing others, that thing I can’t afford…), really don’t. At the end of the day, if you seek happiness, are confident in yourself and your skills, and surround yourself with people who inspire you, then the rest will follow. And I think if more people believe that, we can shake things up around here and enjoy life a little more!


(Pictures from All Things Joy Photography)

From the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland.

Let’s Chat!

Seriously, guys—my favorite part of this space is using it to connect with people. So, please, please, please don’t hesitate to reach out and say hi! Ask questions, share something you created or just simply enjoy, or let’s discuss collaborating on something exciting. Options are endless, friends!